Next semester (26)

I’m very glad to say, I won’t be here next semester. I’ll be graduated in a week! So let me just talk about my post grad plans…

I really hope to get a great career with my degree. I’m frantically searching for something worthwhile.

I want to travel. I’m looking forward to seeing more of the world.

I want to move. To any of the big cities, the little ones too.

I want to focus on my music. Now that I’ll be a little more freed up, I can focus on other creative endeavors.

Most of all, I want to pursue anything that will make me happy.

Class of ’14.

All I Want for Christmas (25)

Those that cost nothing:

My degree
A clean apartment
A nap
Someone to finish all my assignments
All promotional materials done for my band

Those costing between $1 and $10:

Real turquoise rings
Lush bath bombs

Those costing between $11 and $500:

Tall light fixture
Mannequin stand
Pots and pans
Record player
Alex and Ani Bracelets
Apple TV
Decorative pillows
Beach cruiser bike
Naked basics 2 palette
Giants Beanie
External Hard Drive 1TB

Those without pricing parameters:

Deluxe Annual Pass to Disneyland
Flight to Hawaii with an all expense paid vacation stay at Aulani
A badass studio in San Francisco
CD Printing
My car paid off
No more rent ever

Worst comes worst. (24)

There once was a girl. She had a name. It was surely something. Am I right? She didn’t have pets. She was scared of turtles. She didn’t commit to much of anything.

One day she thought about something. But I can’t remember what it was.

She drove around a lot. She liked to see a lot of things.

She didn’t have a car.

How did she drive?

..Twilight zone..

Nobody likes you when you’re (23)

There’s something to be said about the power of gratitude. Coming up on the week of Thanksgiving, we are going to return to our families and share what we are thankful for over warm turkey dinners, while reflecting on the year’s ever-changing progression.

However, shouldn’t we always express our gratitude? I can’t think of a single instance in which people would complain about receiving a thank you note, or even a thank you face-to-face. I try to do my best to acknowledge and appreciate others in what they do because I think it encourages growth and happiness.

I’m thankful that I can pursue an education and that graduation is nearing. I’ve never done so many assignments and attended to so many deadlines in my life. All of my hard work is finally paying off in that sense.

I’m thankful that I have a roof over my head. I finally got my first apartment, and it’s been quite the learning experience. I’m glad that I have a job that I can work hard enough at to afford to live on my own.

I’m thankful for my family and friends. I have a wonderful support system here. This year I learned about the value of family and friends more than ever.

I’m thankful for my health. This often goes without saying, but I’m so fortunate that I can live a happy healthy life. I had strep throat off an on for the first few months this year, risking getting my tonsils removed. I’m so relieved that got taken care of.

I’m thankful for my boyfriend. CJ, the light of my life for the past 4 and a half years has always been there for me when I needed him most. Nobody really could ever understand me the way he does, and I’m completely thankful for him.

My most embarrassing moment (22)

I’m not going to lie, I’m a pretty embarrassing person. I’m going with my most embarrassing moment of 2014.


It was July. We (my boyfriend, my roommate and our other friend) were at Disneyland.

Concluding our second night, with park-hoppers and fast passes stuffed in our pockets, we arrived at one of Fantasyland’s signature rides: The Teacups.

I was a bit exhausted. And by a bit, I mean that I was IMMENSELY exhausted. The humidity that weekend was almost unbearable, and left the grounds of the park moist (ew I hate that word).

I saw the lavender teacup that’s known for being the fastest, and sped my way to the cup. Just before I entered it, another family swooped in on my gigantic dish. I tried to halt and in the sudden stop, I slipped and fell, hitting the plate portion of my ill-fated destination.

Everyone saw. Everyone stared. I wanted to die.

Here is what I’m REALLY excited about… (21)

In exactly one month, I will be officially graduated from Fresno State. This semester has been a rough ride, full of deadlines and new experiences. I’m grateful for everything I learned, but I’m so glad that this will all be over and that I will be off to the next adventure in life.

I am so excited to break from the school routine for the first time in my life. I’m tirelessly working on lining up postgrad jobs and the future is looking bright!

Let’s hope for the best!

It’s not easy, being so epically cheesy. (20)

CJ Ramsey. 

If he was a color, he would be gold. That guy sparkles.

If he was a gem, well honestly yeah he is. He’s just really nice.

If he was a food, he would be wings. Traditional. And you add seasoning as you go.

If he was an article of clothing, he would be an American Apparel black swoop neck. Overpriced, but comfy as hell.

If he was a day of the week, he would be a Saturday night. The ideal, ready-to-have-a-blast, time of the week. The end.

If he was a month, he would be December. Much like Saturday, it’s the conclusion, it’s warm, it’s giving, it’s full of expensive presents, it’s full of chaotic traffic.

CJ is definitely something else.

Let’s get political, political (19)

A societal issue I am passionate about.

Normally, I like to stay out of these kind of things, because I’m not exactly a registered voter, nor am I a registered confrontationist (I think that’s a real thing). When it comes down to it, I think there’s a real issue facing us all down. We all know it exists, but no one is doing anything about it.

That’s right, I’m talking about the lack of year-round 2 for $22 Bath and Bodyworks candles.

THOSE CANDLES ARE SO SENSATIONAL YET SO EXPENSIVE. Do you really just expect me to be able to afford a $20 candle? In this economy?

And nobody is standing up for our rights. Our rights to sensational, affordable candles.

The solution is pretty obvious, I think.

Make the world a better place, fight for your right for the candles you deserve.

Your move, Bath and Bodyworks.

I will be waiting, rhyme after rhyme. (18)

I live with a dog named Ollie

He’s brown, like the robot Wall-E

He only eats treats from Trader Joe’s

And he follows us excitedly wherever we go

He loves to howl when we make noise

He loves to act like one of the boys

Sometimes he likes to chew on our shoes

And when he has accidents, it gives us the blues

But when he knows he bursted our bubble,

He snuggles up closely and loves to cuddle

He’s a sour patch kid to all he meets,

Because first he’s sour and then he’s sweet.


17. No puns to be had.

This past Thursday, we had lovely guest speakers come to our 158 class. The park rangers from Yosemite came to talk to our class about becoming great PR writers and shared stories from their experiences, quite literally, in the field.

I think what really stood out to me was how prepared PR writing must be, especially for a place like Yosemite. It sounds silly, but you have to have responses prepared for crises, as they can happen quite unexpectedly. Although they prefer to write about the fun, things like fires, injuries and even death must be handled appropriately and timely, so they must be ready for anything.

Another great takeaway was to write press releases and photo captions the way you would want to see it in the media. The Rangers shared that many newspapers would use these for batam. This proves that press releases are an excellent tool in getting your client’s messages out there.

What was the most fascinating was the sheer amount of writing the Rangers do. I believe they said they wrote over 100 press releases this year, amongst their small team. It really hit me that I must be prepared to write often and to write well.